Monday, July 16, 2007

Using Colour in Your Diet to Change Your Emotions

Using colour in your diet can be helpful in adding years to your life and restoring emotional imbalances.

If you want to change a particular feeling or emotion to a more positive one, try adding the colour associated with the mood you want to enhance. Each colour is associated with a different part of the body and each colour plays its part in helping us to stay healthy.

Red controls the muscular systems so red foods can help release energy and vitality and overcome tiredness. It can also help increase willpower and courage.

Orange controls the circulatory system so orange foods can help in relieving inhibitions and the fear of change. It can also help with emotional strength.

Yellow controls the nervous system so yellow foods can help focus the mind and raise the spirits. It also helps with concentration and giving a more optimistic outlook towards life.

Green controls the digestive systems so green foods can help relieve stress and emotional problems. It can also help relieve tension headaches.

Blue controls the respiratory system so blue foods can help quiet the mind and give a sense of peace. It is relaxing and calming. But be aware too much blue cause depression so it is best to balance blue with another colour.

Violet and purple controls the central nervous system so violet and purple foods can help in spiritual understanding. It can also be helpful with nervous disorders.

Indigo controls the skeletal system which includes the lower brain so indigo foods can help stabilise emotions and help broaden the mind. It can also be beneficial in freeing the mind from fear and inhibition.

The next time you wish to heighten an feeling or change the one you are in, try adding the colour associated with the feeling you wish to create and enjoy putting colour back into your life.

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