Monday, July 16, 2007

Using Colour in Your Diet to Change Your Emotions

Using colour in your diet can be helpful in adding years to your life and restoring emotional imbalances.

If you want to change a particular feeling or emotion to a more positive one, try adding the colour associated with the mood you want to enhance. Each colour is associated with a different part of the body and each colour plays its part in helping us to stay healthy.

Red controls the muscular systems so red foods can help release energy and vitality and overcome tiredness. It can also help increase willpower and courage.

Orange controls the circulatory system so orange foods can help in relieving inhibitions and the fear of change. It can also help with emotional strength.

Yellow controls the nervous system so yellow foods can help focus the mind and raise the spirits. It also helps with concentration and giving a more optimistic outlook towards life.

Green controls the digestive systems so green foods can help relieve stress and emotional problems. It can also help relieve tension headaches.

Blue controls the respiratory system so blue foods can help quiet the mind and give a sense of peace. It is relaxing and calming. But be aware too much blue cause depression so it is best to balance blue with another colour.

Violet and purple controls the central nervous system so violet and purple foods can help in spiritual understanding. It can also be helpful with nervous disorders.

Indigo controls the skeletal system which includes the lower brain so indigo foods can help stabilise emotions and help broaden the mind. It can also be beneficial in freeing the mind from fear and inhibition.

The next time you wish to heighten an feeling or change the one you are in, try adding the colour associated with the feeling you wish to create and enjoy putting colour back into your life.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How To Develop Into A Better Tomorrow by Mari Taylor

Personal development AKA personal growth comprises the
development of the self. Learn how to identify the different
areas of personal growth and how to use personal development
techniques to improve your personal and professional life.

Personal development, also known as personal growth, comprises
the development of the self. There are many types of personal
development such as inner self, mental growth, physical growth,
metaphysical, and spiritual growth to name a few. It also covers
many different areas of your life such as personal self,
relationships, health, careers, family, financial, and your
social circle.

Personal development can mean many things to many
people that's why there are thousands of different programs
available. It is up to you to find the right one that's a fit
for you and your personal needs. There are important areas of
life that are considered in personal development and growth.
Personal development involves growth in all these areas.
Intellectual knowledge and learning something knew each day of
your life is imperative.

Development and growth in this area will stimulate your mind, stretching your thoughts to remain open to new experiences and skills. Develop your true self, your character, spirituality and emotions and you will become able to
control your feelings, how you view others and your perceptions
of the world around you. Learn to make friends with your self,
and your higher power. If a person has no joy in his heart, he
will not find joy in his life. This will also enable you to have
more desire to improve your physical health.

Exercise will not only improve your body's health, and physical appearance
you'll also feel so much more motivated and mentally relaxed. You'll
find yourself enjoying, experiencing, and exploring more of your
life and engaging yourself into more activities, fun and
adventures. Learning to feel better about your self will also
make your family life so much better.

Make your life more interesting by doing things you didn't normally do but have
always enjoyed. You will have more energy and motivation to do
daily task such as cooking, cleaning, washing, and one of the
most important is quality family time. No longer distancing
yourself from your family, your family will enjoy the change and
will grow closer as well as become proud of your

Becoming more in-touch with your personal and
intimate relationships you'll develop and grow more aware of
your sensitive side as well as your partners, enabling you to
listen more to your partners needs. Your relationship will be so
much more enjoyable and fulfilling creating a better social
life, friends and develop more long lasting relationships with

You will learn how to approach people you don't know. And
convey the message you want to send. Your working environment
will improve and you will gain more wealth working less. Learn
to be more aware of your finances and money management.
Financial management is one I think we all are working on. When
ever life acts we respond to it.

If something great happens in your life you may be very happy.
But on the other hand if something really horrible happens you may be
angry , upset or even sad. What ever the reaction is it all depends on
you and your attitude. We all chose our feelings and control our
attitude fortunately. So that gives us the ability to control
our reactions to situations as they arrive. What ever you think
about you bring about.

If you don't want negative things in your life change your attitude,
change how you think. Think of and only allow positive thoughts and
beliefs into your mind. You will have positive results in your life. Your subconscious mind is being fed with information every second of the day,
and you are not even aware of it. You need to change your negative
habits to positive habits and learn to take charge of your
thoughts, your feelings and emotions. Think positive, peaceful
and prosperity thoughts. And your life will grow so wonderfully
and you will regain true happiness and prosperity in your life.

Personal development is a daily personal growth exercise that
allows you to enjoy life. I hope you enjoy yours, as I enjoy
mine. I used to be extremely depressed and my life was
miserable. I began an incredible personal development program,
now my life is incredible, my family life, personal life,
spiritually, physically, emotional, financial, it's all great; I
have grown in so many ways. I now do the things I used to love
but had lost all interest in. I have bigger and better goals and
dreams, I get to travel and just enjoy my life without
limitation. My personal development is better than what I
thought possible. I have learned how to enjoy my life to the
fullest and I'm so much happier. You have the opportunity to
find out what’s possible for you.

About the author:

Mari Taylor has a strong passion for life, her spirit and faith
persist without exception. Mari Taylor runs, just one of the
successful home business opportunities of Lifestyle Opportunity
LLC., where she is a Co-owner. Mari takes a leadership role when
assisting entrepreneurs with home based business start-up,
marketing, growth, and profits. © Copyright 2007 Mari Taylor all
rights reserved

If you are interested in starting a journal to help you on your way to your better tomorrow Click Here!

Does Roger Federer know the "Secret"? by Zoe Routh

It certainly appears so. There definitely seems to be some magic
in the air with this guy's 5th consecutive win at Wimbledon. And
yup, I stayed up past 3:30am Aussie time to watch him do it. It
was totally worth it. He's in tune with the "secret", law of
attraction, and here's how he does it.

The Fed Express is a brilliant tennis player, let's face it.
He's swift, powerful, and precise. He never gives up. He is calm
and focused.

So is the Law of Attraction part of his success? Of course it
is. The Law of Attraction is always in action, whether you are
conscious of it or not. However, with deliberate focus, you can
amplify the flow of energy to serve your intentions. Just like a
magnifying glass can concentrate the rays of the sun.

Here's what Rog did to help create a superhighway of success
at this year's Wimbledon:

1. Supportive environments. He has Mum, Dad, and
girlfriend barracking for him, win or lose. He's got trainers,
massage therapists, and a slew of experts on call. When he
dumped his coach Tony Roche earlier this year, it was because
Tony no longer provided the right support for his game. Tough
call (everyone thought he was crazy to sack him when he's had so
much success under Tony's guidance. But when it doesn't feel
right, it doesn't feel right. Fed trusted his intuition on this
one and it has paid off.)

2. He dresses the part. Say what you will about his white
blazer and pants, it really sets the scene. It says, this guy is
serious, this guy is honouring tradition and all the greats that
have come before him. He dresses like champion, he walks like a
champion, he talks like champion.

3. Using a vacuum. I'm not sure if you noticed or not,
but Federer had four little emblems emblazoned on his sport bag:
Wimbledon champion 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006. The little emblems
certainly reached out to next one - 2007. And it was the same
for the winner's roll at Wimbledon itself - the long list of
players with the last four Roger Federer, Roger Federer, Roger
Federer, Roger Federer. Another 'Roger Federer' seem to be drawn
to it magnetically. In fact it was only moments after the last
point was hit and Roger fell to the ground in relief that
officials were filling the 2007 winner's spot with his name, for
a fifth time.

4. Crying. OK, I don't always recommend crying as
manifestation practice. What I do want to point out here is that
when Roger rolled on the court and wept, what he was letting go
was gratitude. It was so palpable you could almost taste it.
This guy was relieved for sure, but also so grateful for his
win. He was also grateful and honoured to be following great
players like Bjorn Borg (watching from the stands.) And if you
haven't had a good cry recently, go ahead and do it. You know it
feels good!

Good on you, Rog. You show us all how to reach just a little
further and come up trumps.

About the author:
Zoƫ Routh is the Head Coach at Inner Compass. She has paddled
30 weeks by canoe in northwest Ontario, run 6 marathons, hiked
hundreds of kilometres in Australia's outback, bellydanced at
various festivals, written a book, survived cancer, and wrestled
a 6 meter crocodile. It's all true, except for the crocodile
part. Sign up for more inspiration and your free Attraction
Checklist at

To find out more about the Laws of Attraction and how it could help you attract the things you most want in life
Click Here!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Are You Living Your Life To The Fullest?

Do you feel that the life you are living right now, if not the live you were meant to lead. It’s just too boring for words. You feel that you have got yourself into a rut and can’t think of anything exciting to do or have nothing to look forward to.

You feel your life has become too repetitive and want to change but don’t know how.

So you want a change in your life? You need to find the person with the solution. Don’t worry, help is at hand. All you need to do is look in the mirror for the solution is YOU! You're the master of your destiny. You are in control of your life.

OK so looking in the mirror was the easy part. You still need to decide on what you what…and no concentrating on what you don’t want. We all have a dream of what we would like our lives to be like. This vision, or hazy dream, is something you can work on. Perhaps you have a dream to work for yourself, go to university, change your career.

There are many people who want to improve their lives, but are too afraid. Where they are right now is comfortable. Why risk stepping into the unknown. It might not work. Don’t let excuses like this hold you back. There are many opportunities to explore, why not try some.

You may face challenges and obstacles, but if you move forward, just a little step at a time, you'll be amazed at how much more you will get out of life.

Your life can be as exciting as you want it to be. The choice is up to you. Are you satisfied with your life? If not, make some changes to make it the life you want it to be. Only you can make your life complete and meaningful.

You only live once. Make the most of opportunities that come your way. Take up that invitation to go a salsa class. Do things which will leave you happy lasting memories. Live every day as if it's your last.

Don’t let your life be full of regrets. Seize the moment.

If you would like to give your life a makeover
Click Here!

Don't Let Panic Attacks Ruin Your Life

Heightened anxiety, or better know as panic attack, for some people can be a daily occurrence. For some people the feeling of heightened anxiety is something that happens but we are able to keep it under control.

Anxiety can work in our favour. It can keep us ready for action, fight or flight, and it can also keep us psychologically alert. These exercises can be good but only up to a certain extent or. If we let them get out of control, things may start to get out of hand and we feel we are no longer in control of our emotions.

When we are overwhelmed with a panic attack, we have one of two choices. We can either face it or get away from it, fight or flight mentioned earlier. Given a choice, would you face panic attack and experience its full impact, or would you rather retreat or run away from it?

If we relate panic to fear, the two are similar in a lot of ways, the easy choice would be to avoid it. But there is always a great chance that it will reoccur again and again. Whatever is causing your panic attacks will keep you on edge as you wait for that trigger moment to come.

Given this kind of a situation, it is apparently more logical to face panic attacks. Fight it, or accept it, whichever turns out to be a better option, and experience its full impact. There is a saying that “experience is the best teacher.” It is also true that when you have had previous experience on a previous occasion, you get to handle the situation better the next time because you already know how to deal with it. A panic attack is not a physical ailment, even with the physical side effects of sweating, shortness of breath and palpitations.

The more experiences you have of dealing with the situation, the more confident you become. And when you are confident, what you used to fear will not make you fearful anymore. The more instances you are able to handle it, the more capable you will be each time it occurs. In the end, you will perfect the art of handling panic attacks, from fearing panic attacks to handling it remarkably in a positive way. That’s an achievement.

For more information on how to cope with panic attacks

Click Here!

Monday, July 9, 2007

How To Adapt To Change

One of the main reasons that may stop us from reaching our
goals and desires is our inability to be flexible.

This fact may be hard to swallow, but it's true. We do
everything we can to eliminate any type of suffering in our
lives, yet challenges and pressures can bring out the best
in us.

If you have made mistakes in the past, and let’s be honest, who hasn’t, learn from them and then forget them It’s time to move on. Some people tend to focus on how bad their lives have been due to these mistakes. As a result, they remained stuck and miserable.

Treat your mistakes as a lesson to be learnt. Apply them as a learning
resource in all your future plans.

If you invested in a business and you lost money, don’t let this stop you from seeking out new opportunities. Some people would remain deeply discouraged for a long time and their personal lives would be affected.

Don't be like this. Use what you have learnt in the past as a valuable lesson. If you're afraid to fail, then you risk all your chances to achieve your goals in life. Try again; but this time, be more careful and use your past mistakes as guide maps.

If you try, at least you get a 50% chance of getting what you want. But if you did not try at all, you have absolutely no chance of attaining your desires in life.

Let's fast forward into the future. Let's say you did try,
and you succeeded. Congratulations. So you became wealthy by reaping the fruits of your commitment and persistence.
Be prepared. Problems may rise, so always be ready to adjust to
the current situation. The only thing permanent in this
world is change.

If you need to sacrifice something for a better cause,
then do it. If you have to miss your favourite show on
TV, or if you have to deny your friends' invitation to go
out on a Saturday night so that you can devote more time
to those activities that will lead you closer to your
goals. So be it. It will be worth it in the end.

You may encounter difficulties. You may receive criticism.
You may even be regarded as being "different" or "strange"
by other people. Don't let them discourage you. Just
keep on striving, and success will be yours.

Easy Tips to Get You Motivated

Do you find you give up when you think you are facing failure? It seems too difficult to carry on when it doesn’t seem worth the effort.

Before you give up completely perhaps you need to look at your motivation.

To succeed you need to reassess the way you think and reject all the negative words in your mental dictionary. You need to change your
focus, and concentrate on finding the right solutions with utmost conviction and patience. The battle is never lost until you've abandon your vision.

If you feel you have already exhausted yourself, physically, mentally, and emotionally here are some motivation tips to help you get back on track to help you reach whatever accomplishment or goal you want.

1) Imagine you have already reached your goal

Imagine how you would feel after accomplishing your goal. Will you be overjoyed, pleased with your success. What will reaching your goal mean to you. Make this feeling real by visualising it everyday. Make it feel as if it has already happened. You are more likely to reach your goal if it seems real.

I have used this myself in setting up my own business and to take me to the next level of success.

2) The Reward System

Reward yourself after you accomplish a goal. Set a particular incentive for every objective.

What your rewards may be depends on what your goal is. If you are trying to lose weight, a new hairstyle or manicure could be a reward once you lose 7lbs.

Reward yourself with something indulgent after completing
a certain undertaking.

3) The Power of Like Minded People

To help you succeed, being with people who support and encourage you will benefit your immensely.

Try and be with people who have the same aspirations and goals as
you. Positive energy is generated by this collective energy from people of "like minds."

Try to limit being with people who do not share your vision as their
thinking may trigger a negative, yet very powerful, kind of

Remember when someone said to you that "You'll never get anywhere" or "You're wasting your time with what you're doing?"

It may have made you angry and determined enough to prove
them wrong. Be wary of this sort of motivation.

When you are angry, you may do anything to make those who are
against you eat their words. But, remember, your focus should be on reaching your goal and not for the purpose of proving other people wrong. Never let other people change your emotions toward
what you want to achieve.

4) Take Care Of Yourself

We all know the benefits of exercising regularly. We need to ensure our brains are filled with enough oxygen to allow us to do our daily tasks with more enthusiasm and energy.

Try to take regular breaks. Know your limits. Having abundant will power to persevere no matter what is very important, but if something is not within your area of expertise, always ask for help or outsource a particular element of your project if this is feasible.

Going without rest and sleep will stop you thinking clearing and you will not be able to do all that your want properly.
You will just get more frustrated.

Never, ever ignore your health. It's not worth it. Success will mean nothing to you if you don’t have good health to enjoy it.

Fire up your motivation and live life to the fullest!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

How to Start, Survive and Finish Your Journey to Success

"The more you hate, the more you love."

What an ironic statement. Whoever said those words must
have been drunk. The bottom line is this: It is extremely
difficult to like or love something that you despise.

But what can we do to solve this dilemma? What if you're
trapped in an environment that you don't want to be involved
in? What if you're sick and tired of your job that you
feel like screaming every time someone mentions your work?

So what can you do? Of course, you take inspired and motivated action to
get out of your present rut and start living the life you've always dreamed of. Well you would, wouldn’t you?

If I said it wasn’t going to be easy and that you will have to
come out of your comfort zones to discover your potential and explore
opportunities waiting for you. And that you will have to conquer your
fear and take calculated risks. You have to stay focused
and persevere despite the difficulties you will encounter. You would still think it was worth it to give yourself a better life, the life you deserve.

Some people will have read the above paragraph and given up already. But let’s be realistic. Success doesn't come easy. It takes heart and passion. It may also take some time before you can actually se the benefits of your efforts. But making the effort is worth every moment, believe me.

But what you want to know is how do you actually survive this stage? This is the moment when you're working extra hard to reach your goals. This is also the instance when you're enduring whatever obstacle hits you.

For example, you're employed in a job that you hate. You know deep inside that you would not like to stay in the rat race throughout your life. So you decided to engage in a part-time business or to study night courses. This is a step in
the right direction because you have admitted to yourself that things
have to change for your life to get better.

So far so good. A few days later, you feel that time is running away
From you. You don’t seem to have time for family and friends, socializing is a thing of the past. You seem to be more busier than when you were in the job you hated. At least then you could leave the pressure behind in the office until the next day. You wonder what has gone wrong. If you are not careful you start doubting yourself and once negative thoughts get a hold of you, you might has well give up the fight.

This is the time to stop and reflect on what you are trying to achieve.
Remember we are only looking to making small changes every day to get the success we want.

Don’t attract negative influences into your life. You know what I mean. People who would like you to give up your goal so they can say “I told you it was going to be too hard for you to do”. These people make never have attempted to achieve their goals but feel they are the experts on what will work and what won’t.

Yes, you have to work harder, dig deeper, and may have to make some sacrifice reach your goals.

But no, you don't have to hate the world and feel bad about your difficult situation. Remember the Law of Attraction. If you hate the world, the world hates you back.

So what do you have to do?

Learn to love your current situation. See all the positive sides of life. Be enthusiastic. Love your boss, your coworkers, your family, your friends, and
even strangers that you meet on the streets. It may not be easy, but nothing is impossible with a strong willpower. Just don't fall in love so much that you
totally forget about your dreams.

Balance is the key. Dream and take some positive action to move you toward your goals. Take it one step at a time. But while you're slowly walking towards
the long journey to success, be patient and be as enthusiastic as possible. Don't be is such a rush that you forget how to enjoy life.

And one day, you will finally reach what you have always longed for.
And when that day comes, enjoy it. Encourage others to make their journeys. Be proof that it can be done.

When you see others who are less successful than yourself, help them. Let your positive personality rub off on them. Let them know there will be times when they feel they cannot achieve their goal. Explain that the bad time will pass and they will come out of it stronger and more determined to succeed.

Are you ready to begin the journey?

Start it with the courage and desire to improve your life. Survive
and go through it with persistence, enthusiasm, and
positive thinking. Finish it with a resounding bang
of accomplishment and with the desire to help others
succeed as well.

If you feel goal setting, affirmations, visualisation is not working for you, don’t worry, all is not lost. You may find all the help you need is here. Click Here!

How to Visualise and Affirm Your Deepest Desires

I want you to try a easy experiment. It involves closing your eyes and daydreaming what you want your life to be. But to make it more effective, I want you to make this daydream very vivid. Add colour, make it bold, passionate. This is called visulatisation and it can help you on your way to have the life you want for yourself.

If you want to be more confident, close your eyes and visualize yourself as that confident person. Our subconscious is not able to tell the difference between what is real and what we are imagining. That why I want you to make your visualisation as real as you possibiily can. Well, that's the power of imagination & visualisation. If you want to be a lawyer, visualize yourself as one. Act the part. Think of what suit you’re wearing, the judge you’re convincing, the case you're handling, and the courtroom you’re in. Visualise the evidence. Sense the victory. Make everything real.

It would also help if you make affirmations. This will help you believe that you are what you are visualising. So you want to be a lawyer? Tell yourself, "I'm the best lawyer in the world." Don't say, "I will be the best lawyer in the world." Speak to yourself as if what you want has already happened

Say "I am," not "I will," because "I will" suggests something that will occur only in the future. You have to experience it NOW, not in the future.

You must sink into your subconscious your deepest desire. The subconscious mind can do what the conscious mind cannot.
Here's an exercise.

1. Get a comfortable and quiet place to practice your visualisation.

2. Relax your whole body. Command every part of your body to relax starting from your feet up to your head.

3. Count back slowly from 20 to 1, where in each count you relax deeper and deeper. Upon reaching 1, you are completely relaxed.

4. Now affirm your deepest desire. If you want to be a lawyer, say," I am the greatest lawyer in the world." As you're saying that, picture yourself to be the best lawyer ever, winning every case you've come across. You may say "I am now explaining to the jury my winning proposition" or anything that will affirm what you're conceiving in your mind as of the moment.

5. After about 10 to 20 minutes of continuous confirmation and visualization, count slowly from 1 to 20. Upon counting, slowly be aware of your surroundings. Feel refreshed and invigorated after doing this exercise.

6. Repeat this exercise everyday.

What you have just learned is a very powerful technique to greatly enhance the power of visualization and affirmation by imbedding it into the subconscious. What once you thought of as nearly impossible to
achieve will become easier to reach from now on.

For more information Click Here!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

5 Tips To Help You Set Your Goals

We all know that having goals keeps us motivated and wanting to move forward. But at times it can be hard work trying to achieve the goals we have set ourselves. Perhaps you do what I tend to do, set long term goals, but forget to set short and mid term goals. If you have too many long-term goals and not enough short-term goals it can seem like an age before we feel we have actually achieved anything.

Goal-setting strategies are important especially for those who want to achieve long-term goals. Here are five goal-setting techniques that I hope will help you achieve them.

1. Start with short-term goals that will lead you to long-term ones. Sometimes, we unconsciously start with short-term goals. Why unconsciously? Sometimes it is easier to thing in the short term rather than a way off in the distance. And a short term goal will get us started and taking action. You may find you are content with just setting short-term goals, but after a while you may wish to set some longer term ones. Use your Short term goals as your starting point of your journey to real your long-term goals. Short-term goals are a great motivator to help us plan for longer goals.

2. Make sure you really want the goal. By this, you have to ask yourself: "Do I really want this goal? Will this goal give me what I want, for example, a better life?" Answering these questions will give you more passion to achieve your goal. You may wish to consider what made you think of this as a goal. Are you achieving your own dream or is it what someone else dreams for you?

3. Speak up. By this, it means you shouldn't keep your goals to yourself. By sharing your goals with supportive friends and family may help you stay motivated. We shouldn’t feel shy to tell others about our goals. Also you may feel more motivated if you can find someone with a similar goal to your own to give each other encouragement and support. This way you will not feel as if you are on your own in trying to reach your goal.

4. Write down your goals. This strategy is more advisable for those who have a long list of goals. After writing them, it is advisable to review them because this will encourage you to achieve them. Don’t be afraid to review your goals and make changes as and when necessary. Goals do not have to be set in stone.

5. Stay on track and don't give up. Reviewing notes will help open your mind to see if you are on the right track. While on track, you may have to face challenges that might change you. If you are a confident person you made suddenly feel depressed after finding out that you are going the wrong way in achieving the goal. This might lead to abandoning the goal. Never be discouraged. Facing obstacles is a test on how passionate you are on achieving your goal.

If you feel you need some help in setting your goals

Click Here!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Who's Your Worst Enemy?

Who do you consider as your worst enemy? Is it the criminals roaming we read about in the newspaper? Your boss who is giving you stress with unkind words and doesn’t appreciate your true potentional.

We may have many conceptions of who our enemies are; but we all have
one common enemy who is the main cause of our failures, and most of the time we're not even aware of this opponent.

You may not want to admit it, but our worst enemy is ourselves.

Who do you blame when something goes wrong? Do you blame the people around you, the weather, some outside force. But we are the ones who are supposed to be in control of ourselves. If we stop handing over responsibility to someone else we can change the outcome of our lives because we have the power to do that.

Perhaps, like myself, you have been too apprehensive to try out new ventures that may improve our lives. We are all guilty of half-heartedly going to work in our 9 to 5 job. I know that once I get home from work, I watch a bit of TV, check my e-mails, and start getting ready for the next day. The only time I seem to “come alive” is at the weekend. I want to have that “alive” feeling every day of the week. I know why my mind set is different at the weekend. It’s because I’m not at work. My own negative feelings about going to work make the whole experience seem a chore. I know once I change these negatives feelings I will feeling the way I do and start feeling more positive.

So I have decided to open my eyes and start thinking of what great opportunities the future has in store for me, all I have to do is try to do something different.

I know fear can cause many of us to stay exactly where we are. But if we don’t make life changes, then our life will never change, and that would be very great waste. Don’t stay where you are if you are in an unsatisfied state. If might be worth a few difficulties and obstacles for the sake of attaining your dreams.

Make the decision to be your best friend and not your worst enemy. It's all up to you!

To see how negative thinking cost one woman $3 million

Click Here!

Making Your First Small Change

Who was inspired to make life changes after watching the London Marathon today? The stories of some many of the people taking part were inspiring and made me think of many a few changes in my own life. As many of us do, I have the habit of putting off tasks to a later date, only that date never seems to arrive. So after watching the London Marathon I have been inspired to make some changes, and I hope you will join me on my journey and feel inspired to make a few changes yourself.

One thing we need to look at is why we are putting things off. I would like to work for myself and be home based, but for some reason I am still working for someone else. I have to ask myself why. And the simple answer is, because it is easier this way. I go to work and give them 7 hours a day, five days a week and they pay me.

But this has to change. I am not fulfilling my true potential with the work I am doing so I am really achieving nothing. Does this sound familiar to you? Perhaps you are doing the same. Stuck in a rut, wanting to do something about it, but it seems easier to carry on doing what we are doing for an easy life.

So how can we motivate ourselves to get us started. I’ve found that taking a small step towards my goal every day has helped me a lot. If you are making a small change each day then change doesn’t seem so scary. Sometimes it is the unknown we are most scared off, which is silly really, because why are we scared of something that exists in our heads.

By taking a small step each day we can start to see our actions are taking effect. For example, you want to be fitter for summer, and you decide to walk a little more each day. You buy a stepometer and each day you increase the amount of steps. Within a few weeks you have increased your activity without any great effort or expense.

Once we have made the decision to make some life changes, you won’t want to delay. You will be keen to get started. If you are still hesitating, ask yourself why. Is it because you are not sure how to do it, or is cost a factor? Perhaps writing every thing down will make things clearer for you. It doesn’t matter how small the action is every day, just has long as you take action.

I have put off many tasks that need doing. I give myself a long to do list which is off putting and I sometimes have several projects on the go at the same time and I can’t devote the time I need to keep them all on track. Best to keep tasks doable in the amount of time you have. It may be helpful just to give yourself a couple of tasks a day until they are all completed.

Don’t let laziness stop you. You know what I mean “It’s a lovely day, I’ll get started tomorrow” or “I’m busy at work at the moment, so I’ll start when things quieten down”. You know the hardest point will be getting yourself motivated to start. Once you have started, you will find it so much easier to carry on.

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